
Archive for March 31st, 2009


I have not posted for a  very loooong time!

I saw like four rainbows this month, this blog post is super random. =)          There was two crossing over each other it was soo cool!   I just finish my shooting nationals and got good scores ! =)

Today was a very fun day, we had only like 2 main lessons , maths and Chinese. Chinese lesson was hilarious , Jiatong and I were like making low deep voices and JT laughed like mad. Then i laughed too as JT’s laugh was damn ridiculous. Our laughter were so contagious , it even passed on to the rest of the girls. Jianing also laughed like mad during recess.

After Chinese ( which was after recess) we had Ict, nobody really paid attention to the teacher. Pe was okay , we played badminton .

Oh jasmine i’m posting a post now so must be happy! =) And Cheer up!


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