
Archive for April, 2009


Today was okay, school ended at 12.30 ( earlier by 2 hours), because of the school’s founders day. Me and Jasmine went to buy bubbletea. 🙂

Jasmine kept talking about my brothers mole. A few days ago, i told my brother he had a mole on his hand, i asked him about it and he told me, ” This is not a mole,” he pointed to it , ” this is a kind of device for tracking .” It was so hilarious! Then he added on, ” This mole can also join with other moles.” And then he brought his mole to his face, which has another mole ”

After that incident, my mother told me as it was raining and there was the swine case, ” Maybe someoneat Mexico spat on the floor, and that spit evaporated into the sky and the winds move the waterdroplets, that tunred into rain, to Singapore. And when the rain fell, all the swine disease has passed on to Singapore ! ”

I think my family is so imaginative to speak such stuff. 🙂

note: jasmine i posted so don’t “plug” me. 😛

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a lot of people are saying that 2012 is the end of the world! I’m really scared!!

they even have evidence on the internet!



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Falling slowly.

Falling slowly, eyes that know me

And I can’t go back

Moods that take me and erase me


And I’m painted black

You have suffered enough

And warred with yourself

It’s time that you won

Today was a retarded day.

half of the girls in our class had choir. SYF.

so it was quieter.

i’m gonna sleep now.

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Today was a retarded day. I found out something surprising too. D:

Jia Min cam back from PNG today!! 😀   She is so dark, like so tanned. Now she is taller than me. 😦

After lessons, Me and jasmine went to eat in the canteen. Later we went to the locker, there all the retarted things started. Jasmine asked me to make bird noises, and she recorded it! Then, she laughed real hard and i made a weird , high pitched sound, and she recorded it again. We laughed a lot. 😀                        It seemed like i was some kind of  a machine which made different kinds of weird noises. D:

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