
Archive for June, 2009

It’s raining

 The weather is getting hotter everyday!!!!

Luckily for today, its RAINING! Its so cool and NOT hot now.

I had much fun yesterday,  me , jasmine, dillon and jin hui did our LA project at my house. We laughed a lot! We were suppose to do an advertisement on the nintendo wii.

We met at the 7/11 outside of  the bishan MRT station, which is now also the circle line station too.

We saw Vania! 🙂  We chatted for a while, while waiting for everyone in our group. Vania (yay!) has a new slang, which is so cool! She talks so differently.

thats all folks.

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jasmine is awesome , she, jasmine , wrote this and not me, jo-anne.

Today, jasmine (who is very AWESOME) came over to do a science project. We decided to do a lava lamp, which is awesome, like jasmine(who is very AWESOME), but jasmine(who is very AWESOME) is more awesome. We failed our experiment for the first attempt.

yo. im going home now, shall post later. read my post. peace out. – jasmine (who is very AWESOME) gomez. 😀


*ps – this (look above. im sure you didnt miss it) makes no sense, no sense at all.

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Tired because of going for CCAs for 3 days in a row!!! But its over… for now.

Exhausted because of going outdoors everyday!

My heel hurts… muscle aches…

I got a haircut today, i really like it. 🙂

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