
Archive for August 7th, 2009


Its so hazy now a days, i bet the earth is dying because of global warming. And its because of us human beings. sigh~

The weather is CRAZY! Its like cold today and hot tomorrow and cold the next day! I bet this is the cause of me having a runny nose. 

Okay, enough about the weather or global warming.

Today was alright, we had a national day celebration, which was BORING. I think our school has no idea how to hold a fun and exciting ceremony. The only fun thing was the cheer, where we shouted ‘ Happy Birthday Singapore, YEAH! ‘   Haha, it was awesome (but not as awesome as Jasmine) ( hehe) .  Mr Hoho was hilarious, so was Mr CoCo.

Okay thats all!

Btw this blog is dedicated to Jasmine, who is the Coolest and Awesomest. 🙂

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